Thursday, 20 September 2012


 Creative Media Sectors

Creative Media is one of the massive industrys out there. Its made of of 9 different secctors all together. Creative Media is a massive part of the publics life and they probably dont even know it. Wether its somebody waking up and reading the paper, listeing to the radio or watching the TV all this happens because of Creative Media.
First of all there is 9 sectors in Creative Media;
  • Publishing
  • TV
  • Advertising
  • Interactive Media
  • Film
  • Animation
  • Games
  • Photoimaging
  • Radio

Publishing is a massive industry made up with variouse different sections for example, Books, Magazines, Journals, News and many more. Some people may be suprised but Publishing happens to be the highest earner of the Creative Media sector in the UK. It also has the highest employers in the UK
with a massive number of 200,000 wich represents about 36% of the whole Creative Media Sector.

When working in Publishing it is key that you have good team working skills as there is many aspects and different roles that come with working in Publishing for example you need to know exactly what the customer wants and who your target audience is.


Television is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the creative media industry. It has been known that the average person watches twenty hours or more during the week and that 98% of the UK own a TV. However internet and the interactive media has grown rapidly and people are being able to view TV on computers and also on thier phones.

TV in the UK is mostly sominated by the majoy broadcasters and big production companies for example, Channel 4, ITV and BBC. TV is the second highest employer number in the Creative Media Sector with a number of 58,000.

Their is a massive variety of jobs that needs to be done when it comes to TV for example Production, Sales, Fianance and IT.


Photo Imaging

The Wholeo of the Photo Imaging industry consists of about 8,700 companies however a two thirds of that consist of just freelancing or sole tradings. The other third can then be split up into 5 catorgries:
  • Image producers (including laboratories and minilabs)
  • Photo retail
  • Picture libraries and agencies
  • Manufacturers
  • Support services (e.g. equipment hire and repair)
The industry for Photo Imaging has a employee number of 44,000 in the UK.

Interactive Media

The lines between each sector in Interactive Media have become very blurred and is hard to distinguish each sector from another. The fast pace oif change makes it hard to define what exactly interactive media is however it is worth several billion pounds anualy just in the UK.

There are many jobs in the Interactive Media sector including;
  • Designer (Web)
  • Developed
  • Producer
  • Production Managager
And much much more.

In the UK only The interactive Media sector creats 40,000 employers.


The Film in the creative Media sector is constantly changing and evolving with the needs and wants of what the public want to watch and see. With Film if the Public dont watch the Films made then that particular Film is a fail.

Most people think that a Film would make most of its money buy the release in Cinema however over half the revenues of the industry in the UK come from when the Film is released on DVD or on a rental.
The film industry divides itself into five sectors:
  • Development - the writing, packaging and financing of film ideas and scripts.
  • Production - the process of setting up and shooting every scene in a film.
  • Post Production - where all these shots are assembled, treated and mixed into a finished product.
  • Distribution - the process of selling this product to audiences, via the cinemas, retailers and rental firms.
  • Exhibition - the cinemas which screen the film for the general public.
Film has a number of 27,800 employers in the UK.


Animation can be stretched throughout many other different Sectors for example Film, TV, Websites and Video Games. In the UK Animations has a number of 4,700 employers in the UK. Although Animation is a small sector in the Media it is however growing and more popular.

The Animation Sector can be roughly divided into four main disciplines:
  • 2D drawn or traditional;
  • 2D computer generated
  • stop frame; and
  • 3D computer generated.


In the UK Games is becoming a big part of the Media Sector and is gaining more importance. When it comes to Games the sales numbers have been hiting thier highest and breaking records in sales of entertainment Products.

Its found that the number of women working in the Games industry is very low with a 6% compared to the 47% in the whle economny. Its also found that most are young workers as games is mostly targeted at a young audience now therefor they will know more what the public wants. Games has a number of 10,000 enployers in the UK.


The Photoimaging companies are based up with 8,700 companies with two thirds os which are made up of freelance photograpthers.The workforce is older than that of the audio visual industries as a whole, with an average age of 42. However this is similar to the age profile of the wider economy. Photoimaging empolys a number of 44,000 employer in the UK.


Radio is one of the Media sectors that could be seriously under threat as more people are watching Tv and playing on Computers that listening to their Radio. However the threat looming many people are sensing a dramatic and exciting change in the Radio sector.

These operators fall into three broad categories: publicly-funded radio, commercial radio and the community and voluntary radio sector - from well-established student and hospital radio to the most recently licensed community radio stations.

Radio has a number of 22,000 employers in the UK.